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Использованная литература и материал для дополнительного чтения

1. Dickerson R. E., Geis I., The Structure and Action of Proteins, Harper and Row, New York, Evanston and London, 1969.

2. Holmes K. S., Blow D. M., The Use of X-ray Diffraction in the Study of Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965.

3. Kendrew J. C., "Mioglobin and the Structure of Proteins", Science, 139, 2, 1259-1266 (1963).

4. Natta G., Corradini P., "Conformation of Linear Chains and Their Mode of Packing in the Crystal State", J. Polymer Sci., 39, 29-46 (1959).

5. Neurath H., ed., The Proteins, Vol. 2., Second edition, Academic Press, New York and London, 1964.

6. Perutz M. F., Proteins and Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function, Elsevier Publish. Co., Amsterdam and New York, 1962.

7. Perutz M. E., "X-ray Analysis of Hemoglobin", Science, 140, 863-869 (1963).

8. Phillips D. C., "The Three-dimensional Structure of an Enzyme Molecule", Sci. Am., 215, № 5, 78-90 (1966).

9. Taylor C. S., Lipson H., Optical Transforms, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and New York, 1964.

10. Уотсон Дж. Д., Двойная спираль, "Мир", М., 1969.

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